creativity  v1.3.0
Agent-based model of creativity and piracy
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NcreativityPrimary namespace for all Creativity library code
 NbeliefNamespace for reader belief classes
 CDemandThis class represents an author's belief about the per-period demand for books
 CProfitThis class represents an author's belief about the lifetime profitability of a work
 CProfitStreamThis class represents an author's belief about the lifetime profits of a book based on partial lifetime profits
 NcmdargsNamespace for command-line argument handling classes
 CAboveValidation wrapper for options that have a strict inequality boundary that the value must be above, such as \(v > 3\)
 CBelowValidation wrapper for options that have a strict inequality boundary that the value must be below, such as \(v < 3\)
 CCLICmdArgs subclass for command-line simulator command-line arguments
 CCmdArgsThis class handles command line argument parsing
 CDataCmdArgs subclass for creativity-data arguments (for generating data from crstate files)
 CGUICmdArgs/Simulator subclass for graphical simulator command-line arguments
 CInfoCmdArgs subclass for creativity-info script to display simulation information
 CMaxValidation wrapper for options that have a maximum value
 CMinValidation wrapper for options that have a minimum value
 CRangeValidation wrapper for options that have both a minimum and maximum value
 CResultsCmdArgs subclass for creativity-results script to run models on generated data
 CSeriesCmdArgs subclass for creativity-series arguments (for generating series values from crstate files)
 CSeriesGraphsCmdArgs subclass for creativity-series-plots arguments (for plotting quantiles from series and/or quantiles files)
 CSeriesQuantilesCmdArgs subclass for creativity-series-quantiles arguments (for extracting quantiles from series files)
 CSimulatorCommon base class for CLI and GUI argument handling for running a simulation
 CValidationValidation wrapper base class
 CValidationTagValidation tag; any Validation class must (ultimately) inherit from this class
 NdataNamespace for classes related to generating and processing simulation data
 CFillStyleStyle class for a filled region
 CLineStyleStyle class for a drawn line
 CPDFGraph target that writes to pages of a PDF file
 CRectangleStyleStyle class for a filled, rectangular region
 CRGBASimple class holding red, green, blue, and alpha values. Each should be a value in [0,1]
 CSeriesClass to plot graphs of time series values and/or regions
 CTargetAbstract base class for graph destinations
 CAdditionWrapper class around a addition of the elements of two Variables
 CBinaryExprBase class for composite variables with two Variable components
 CConstantVariableSpecial Variable subclass for representing a constant value
 CCSVParserPrimitive comma-separated-value file parser
 CiteratorIterator class that allows iterating through the file
 CdatumStruct for holding a simulation data value calculator
 CDivisionClass that returns the coefficient-wise division of elements in one Variable by corresponding elements in the other Variable
 CEquationClass to store a equation
 CProxyProxy object returned by << that allows more variables to be appended with +
 CExponentialRaises a base value to a Variable's value
 Cinitial_datumStruct for holding a simulator parameter
 CLogarithmTakes a natural logarithm of a Variable's values
 CMultiplicationWrapper class around a multiplication of the elements of two Variables
 COLSClass for running a basic OLS regression
 CftestThe return value of fStat()
 CPowerRaises a Variable's values to a power
 CRankErrorException class for rank errors, for example when trying to do OLS with n < k, or an X matrix without full column rank
 CSimpleVariableWrapper class around a simple column, where values are exactly the value in the column
 CSURClass for running a seemingly-unrelated regressions model
 Ctabulation_optionsStruct holding various options controlling tabulation output
 CTreatmentThis class converts raw simulation data into multiple data rows, with piracy/policy, SR/LR as treatment effects on the base (pre-piracy, pre-policy) row
 CTreatmentFilterExtension to Treatment that applies a filter to an existing Treatment variable, resulting in a new Treatment object that only contains the row sets for matched data observations
 CPropertiesData properties for rows filtered by TreatmentFilter()
 CStagePropertiesProvides a simple interface to accessing the value of a field for a single observation
 CUnaryExprBase class for composite variables with a single variable
 CVariableAbstract base class for model variables
 CSizeErrorException class thrown when attempting to populate a column from a source of an incompatible or unknown size
 NguiNamespace for all gtkmm creativity GUI classes
 CBookInfoWindowInfoWindow subclass for displaying the details of a book
 CBookStoreGtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord subclass for handling Book information in the list of books in the main GUI window, and the list of authored books on the reader dialog
 CColRecColumnRecord object for a BookStore
 CGraphAreaGtk drawing area upon which the simulation state visualization is drawn
 CGUIClass that runs a GUI in a thread, collecting its events into a queue to be processed periodically (e.g
 CEventSimple class containing event information
 CParameterThe parameter struct for passing a configured value back from the GUI
 CInfoWindowGtk dialog for showing reader or book info
 CLibraryStoreClass extending BookStore that lists a reader's library books (excluding self-written works); it includes all the base book columns plus:
 CColRecBookStore::ColRec extension to add reader-specific fields
 CMemberStoreBase class for a flat list of simulation members
 CReaderInfoWindowInfoWindow subclass for displaying the details of a reader/author
 CReaderStoreGtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord subclass for handling Reader information in the list of readers in the main GUI window
 CColRecColumnRecord object for a ReaderStore
 NstateNamespace for all simulation state classes
 CBookStateRecords the various variables associated with a book
 CFileStorageClass for file-based storage
 CPublicTrackerStateRecords the various variables associated with a reader
 CReaderStateRecords the various variables associated with a reader
 CStateClass storing the state of the simulation at the end of a simulation period
 CStorageClass for state storage access which accesses State values
 Cstate_iteratorRandom access iterator class for iterating through states
 CStorageBackendBase class for state storage which accesses State values
 CBookClass representing a particular book
 CBookCopyContainer class storing the data associated with a reader's copy of a book
 CBookMarketA BookMarket is very simple: it has an exogenously determined price and can supply infinite copies of a Book at that price
 CCopyrightPoliceThis class represents a copyright policing agent that (probabilistically) catches readers who obtain books via piracy, fining them and redistributing fines to infringed-upon authors
 CCreativityCentral class for a creativity simulation; this class handles setting up the simulation according to configured parameters and running the simulation
 CCreativitySettingsSimulation parameters that are used to configure the simulation when calling setup()
 CPolicyClass for interpreting and/or constructing encoded policy values
 CPublicTrackerThis class represents a public provider of book copies that pays author based on the number of downloads or votes received in a period
 CPublicTrackerMarketThis class extends BookMarket by always pricing the book at marginal cost (and thus never has any profits)
 CReaderA Reader is an agent that both consumes previously unread books and potentially writes new books and sells copies of those books
 Cserializer< const creativity::Policy >Specialization of eris::serializer for a const Policy reference
 Cserializer< creativity::Policy >Specialization of eris::serializer for a Policy reference